- Tessai Hayama: “Detecting TV Program Highlight Scenes Using Twitter Data Classified by Twitter User Behavior and Evaluating It to Soccer Game TV Programs”. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Vol.E101-D No.4, pp.917-924 (2018).
International Conference
- Tessai Hayama, Hidetaka Odate, Naoto Ishida , “Classification of Student’s In-class Behavior Using a Desktop Pressure Sensor”, Proceedings of the Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems in conjunction with Intelligent Systems Workshop 2018,p.1-5 (2018)
- Tessai Hayama, “Investigating Relationship between Students’ Motivation and Learning Achievement in a Project-based Learning Course”, Proceedings of the 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference(INTED2018), pp. 647-655 (2018).
- Tessai Hayama, “Evaluating TV-program Highlight Scene Detection Based on Twitter Data to Soccer Game TV programs”, The 18th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems(ISIS2017), pp.175-182 (2017).
Domestic conference
- 成相 毅、長友 和也、羽山 徹彩: “UWB屋内軌跡データからの滞在領域抽出”,人工知能学会全国大会,(2019.6)
- 羽山 徹彩, 大舘 英隆, 石田 直登,受講生の状態推定のための圧力センサを用いたテーブルトップインタフェースの開発,情報処理学会 研究報告コンピュータ学習と教育(CLE) 2018-CLE-26(17), pp.1-7, pp.100-103 (2018)
- 國藤進、中田豊久、羽山徹彩: “知識基盤社会のための人工知能入門”, コロナ社(計測・制御テクノロジーシリーズ) (2012).