

  1. Hu Cui, Tessai Hayama, “Joint-Partition Group Attention for skeleton-based action recognition,” Signal Processing, Volume 224, 2024.

  2. Cui, H., Hayama, T. : “STSD: spatial–temporal semantic decomposition transformer for skeleton-based action recognition”. Multimedia Systems 30, 43 (2024).

  3. Muhammad FAWAD RAHIM, Tessai HAYAMA; “Mining User Activity Patterns from Time-Series Data Obtained from UWB Sensors in Indoor Environments,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2024.

  4. Takumi HASEGAWA, Tessai HAYAMA: “Practical Application of an e-Learning Support System Incorporating a Fill-in-the-Blank Question-Type Concept Map”, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2024.

  5. Tessai Hayama, Qi Zhang, Estimating Passive Twitter-User’s Interests from Followed Users’ Tweets by Technique Transfer, International Journal of Smart Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.6, No.2, pp.*–*,2022.

  6. Tessai Hayama, Shota Yokoyama, Multimodal Information Analysis for Small-Group Dialog to Identify Features that Lead to Efficient Knowledge Transfer, Journal of Intelligent Informatics and Smart Technology, Vol.8, pp.(09-1)–(09-8), 2022.

  7. Hayama, T., Arakawa, Rena.: “Walking-posture Classification from Single-acceleration-sensor Data using Deep Learning and its Evaluation”, International Journal of Service and Knowledge Management, 2021.(Accepted) 

  8. 新川 怜奈, 羽山 徹彩: “深層学習を用いた単一加速度センサからの歩行姿勢分類の一考察”, 電子情報通信学会論文誌D, 研究速報, Vol.J103-D,No.11,pp.-,Nov. 2020.(Accepted) 

  9. Tessai Hayama, Hiroki Takahash, Kazuya Nagatomo: “Extracting Stay Regions from UWB Indoor Trajectory and its Evaluation”, International Journal of Service and Knowledge Management, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.27 – 40, 2020. 

  10. Tessai Hayama, Hidetaka Odate, Naoto Ishida: “Classification of Student’s In-class Behavior Using a Desktop Pressure Sensor”, International Journal on e-Learning, Vol.19(4), pp.383-395, 2020. 

  11. Tessai Hayama: “Detecting TV Program Highlight Scenes Using Twitter Data Classified by Twitter User Behavior and Evaluating It to Soccer Game TV Programs”. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   Vol.E101-D   No.4   pp.917-924 (2018)

  12. Tessai Hayama: “Detecting TV Program Highlight Scenes Using Twitter Data Classified by Twitter User Behavior”. Recent Advances and Future Prospects in Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems(In revised selected paper of KICSS2015), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 685. pp.1-13, Springer, Cham (2017)

  13.  羽山徹彩,徐利娟,國藤進: “議論での事前学習知識の活用を促す対面型協調学習支援システム“, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.55, No.1, pp.163–176 (2014).

  14.  羽山徹彩,須田達,千徳英一: “プロジェクトベース学習におけるチーム編成に関する一考察“, 工学教育, Vol.61, No.5, pp.82–87 (2013). 

  15. Md. Shiful IslamSusumu KunifujiTessai HayamaMotoki Miura: “Knowledge sharing practices among doctoral students in JAIST to enhance research skills”, Knowledge Management & E-Learning, Vol.5, No.2, pp.170–185 (2013).

  16. 宇佐美佑介,羽山徹彩,國藤進: “非同期創造会議における前向きな評価と個人のアイデア数可視化がもたらす影響“, 日本創造学会論文誌, Vol.16, pp.56–76 (2013).

  17. Tessai HayamaSusumu Kunifuji: “Information Provision Modules to Support Creation of Slides with Easily Understandable Presentation”, International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, Vol.3, No.3, pp.26–41 (2012).

  18. 烏蘭其其格,國藤進,羽山徹彩: “中等教育における化学教科の課題を用いた創造性テストの開発と評価“, 日本創造学会論文誌, Vol.15, pp.125–137 (2012).

  19.  Md. Shiful IslamSusumu KunifujiTessai HayamaMotoki Miura: “An Adoption Model for E-Learning and Knowledge Management Systems”, International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS), Vol.3, No.2, pp.51–66 (2012).

  20. 古川洋章,羽山徹彩,國藤進: “あいづち機能を用いた分散ブレーンストーミング支援システム“, 日本創造学会論文誌, Vol.14, pp.39–51 (2011).

  21. Md. Shiful IslamSusumu KunifujiTESSAI HAYAMAMotoki Miura: “E-learning in LIS education: an analysis and prediction”, Library Review, Vol.60, No.7, pp.544–559 (2011).

  22. Md. Shiful IslamSusumu KunifujiMotoki MiuraTESSAI HAYAMA: “Adopting Knowledge Management in an E-learning System: Insights and views of KM and EL research scholars”, Knowledge Management and E-Learning: An International Journal, Vol.3, No.3, pp.375–398 (2011).

  23. Md. Shiful IslamSusumu KunifujiTESSAI HAYAMAMotoki Miura: “Towards exploring a global scenario of e-learning in Library and Information Science schools”, International Information and Library Review, Vol.43, No.1, pp.15–22 (2011).

  24. TESSAI HAYAMASusumu Kunifuji: “Relevant Piece of Information Extraction from Presentation Slide Page for Slide Information Retrieval System”, Knowledge, Information, and Creativity Support Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science (In revised selected paper of KICSS2011), Vol.6746, pp.22–31 (2011).

  25. Hui ChengTessai HayamaSusumu Kunifuji: “Presentation Support System Providing the Function of Promoting Comment Collection in Limited Time”, Knowledge, Information, and Creativity Support Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science (In revised selected paper of KICSS2011), Vol.6746, pp.1–12 (2011).

  26. 羽山徹彩,難波英嗣,國藤進: “プレゼンテーションスライド情報の構造抽出“, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.JD92, No.9, pp.1483–1494 (2009).

  27. Ujjwal NeupaneMotoki MiuraTESSAI HAYAMASusumu Kunifuji: “Qualitative, Quantitative Evaluation of Ideas in Brain Writing Groupware”,  IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, Vol.E90-D, No.10, pp.1493–1500 (2007).

  28. 羽山徹彩,楊向東,國藤進: “学習知識フィルタリングを用いた協調ノートシステム“, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.48, No.8, pp.2814–2822 (2007).

  29. 山田幸治,三浦元喜,羽山徹彩,國藤進: “事例集の文書管理にTRIZ 理論を適用した知識管理支援システムの構築“, 日本創造学会論文誌, Vol.11, pp.86–100 (2007).

  30. 羽山徹彩,小森俊希,國藤進: “分散型ブレインストーミング環境におけるアイデア配置方法がアイデア創出へ及ぼす影響“, 日本創造学会論文誌, Vol.11, pp.101–114 (2007).

  31. ネウパネウッジュワル,三浦元喜,羽山徹彩,國藤進: “分散型ブレインライティング支援のための環境とそれにおける評価“, 日本創造学会論文誌, Vol.10, pp.74–86 (2006).

  32.  羽山徹彩,金井貴,國藤進: “創造的ドキュメントスキーミング支援環境の効果“, 日本創造学会論文誌, Vol.9, pp.124–134 (2005).  

  33. 羽山徹彩,金井貴,國藤進: “創造的活動における文献調査のためのドキュメントスキーミング支援環境“, 人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.19, No.2, pp.113–125 (2004).

International conference

  1. Tessai Hayama, Daichi Niiyama, Case Study on the Effectiveness of Recommendation Algorithms for Sake Review Website. In Proceedings of In Proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Knowledge, Information, Creativity Support Systems (KICSS 2022), pp.-. (2022).【Outstanding Paper Award】

  2. Tessai Hayama and Shota Yokoyama, Personality Traits Estimation of Participants Based on Multimodal Information in Knowledge Transfer-type Discussion. In Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management, pp.-. (2022).

  3. Hayama T. (2021) Analyzing Features of Passive Twitter’s Users to Estimate Passive Twitter-User’s Interests. In Proceedings of The 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, pp.-. .

  4. Hayama T., Yokoyama S. (2021) Analyzing Knowledge Transfer in a Group Dialog Based on Multimodal Information. In Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Knowledge, Information, Creativity Support Systems (KICSS 2021), pp.-. .【Best Presentation Award】

  5. Hayama T., Zhang Qi. (2021) Topic-model based Estimation of Passive Twitter-User’s Interests from Followed Users’ Tweets”. In Proceedings of The 10th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, pp.1-6.【Honorable Mention Award】

  6. T. Hayama, T. Nariai and K. Nagatomo, “Extracting Stay Regions from UWB Indoor Trajectory,” 2019 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), 2019, pp.785-790

  7. Tessai Hayama, Hiroki Takahashi, Kazuya Nagatomo, “Extracting Stay Regions from Indoor Geospatial Trajectory Using Time-based Clustering”, 14th International Conference on Knowledge, Information, Creativity Support Systems (KICSS 2019), 2019.

  8. Tessai Hayama, Hidetaka Odate, Naoto Ishida , “Classification of Student’s In-class Behavior Using a Desktop Pressure Sensor”, Proceedings of the Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems in conjunction with Intelligent Systems Workshop 2018,p.1-5 (2018)

  9. Tessai Hayama, “Investigating Relationship between Students’ Motivation and Learning Achievement in a Project-Based Learning Course”, Proceedings of 1 2th International Technology, Education and Development Conference(INTED2018), pp. 647-655 (2018).

  10. Tessai Hayama, “Evaluating TV-program Highlight Scene Detection Based on Twitter Data to Soccer Game TV programs”, The 18th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems( ISIS2017), 175-182 (2017).

  11. TESSAI HAYAMA, Koji Hasegawa, Kazushi Hoshiya: ” Face-to-Face Collaborative Learning by Enhancing Viewpoint-Sharing of Learning Materials”, Proceedings of The8th International Conference, CollabTech 2016; Yoshino T., Chen GD., Zurita G., Yuizono T., Inoue T., Baloian N. (eds) Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing. CollabTech 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 647. Springer, Singapore, pp. 190 – 202 (2016).

  12. TESSAI HAYAMA, Saki Hayashi and Yuichi Kondo: ” Investigation of a Team-based activity Support System used in a Project-based Learning Course”, Proceedings of  The Eleventh 2016 International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS2016), pp. 64 – 69, (2016).

  13. TESSAI HAYAMA: ” Detecting TV Program Highlight Scenes Using Twitter Data Classified by Twitter User Behavior”, Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creative Support System (KICSS2015), pp. 164 – 175 (2015).

  14. TESSAI HAYAMA: “Analysis of Team Characteristics of Project-Based Learning based on Performance Factors of Collaborative Learning”, Proceedings of The 3rd IIAI International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics, pp. 275 – 279 (2014).

  15. TESSAI HAYAMA、Lijuan XU、Susumu KUNIFUJI: “Developing an Argumentation Support System for Face-to-face Collaborative Learning”, Proceedings of 12th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, pp.89–94 (2013).

  16. TESSAI HAYAMA、Susumu Kunifuji: “Information Provision Modules to Support Creation of Slides with Easily Understandable Presentation”, The 6th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creative Support System (KICSS2011), pp.122–129 (2011).

  17. Wulanqiqi、Susumu Kunifuji、TESSAI HAYAMA: “Development and Evaluation of Creativity Test for Chemistry Education in a Secondary School Level”, The 6th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creative Support System (KICSS2011), pp.49–53 (2011).

  18. Md. Shiful Islam、Susumu Kunifuji、TESSAI HAYAMA、Motoki Miura: “Towards Building an E-learning and Knowledge Management Adoption Model”, The 6th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creative Support System (KICSS2011), pp.36–48 (2011).

    【Best Student Paper Award 受賞

  19. Hui Cheng、TESSAI HAYAMA、Susumu Kunifuji: “Presentation Support System Providing the Function of Promoting Comment Collection in Limited Time”, the 5th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS2010), pp.138–145 (2010).

    【KICSS2010 Honorable Award 受賞

  20. TESSAI HAYAMA、Susumu Kunifuji: “Relevant Piece of Information Extraction from Presentation Slide Page for Slide Information Retrieval System”, The 5th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creative Support System (KICSS2010), pp.263–268 (2010).

  21. Md. Shiful Islam、Susumu Kunifuji、TESSAI HAYAMA、Motoki Miura: “A theoretical Framework for Adopting Knowledge Management in an E-Learning System”, The Asia-Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2010 (APTEL 2010),  (2010).

  22. Md. Shiful Islam、Susumu Kunifuji、TESSAI HAYAMA、Motoki Miura: “Electronic Learning Technologies and Applications – a decade review from 2000 to 2009”, The 4th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, pp.37–45 (2009).

  23. TESSAI HAYAMA、Susumu Kunifuji: “Investigating topic segmentation of a paper for automatic slide generation using paper-slides word alignment”, The 4th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, pp.47–54 (2009).

  24. Koji Yamada、Motoki Miura、TESSAI HAYAMA、Susumu Kunifuji: “Effectiveness of Engineering Solution Case Document Search Based on TRIZ Contradiction Matrix Theory”, the 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES2009), pp.547–554 (2009).

  25. TESSAI HAYAMA、Susumu Kunifuji: “Effects of Difference Idea Layout Methods on Idea Generation in Distributed Brainstorming Environment”, The 3rd International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creative Support System (KICSS2008), pp.177–184 (2008).

  26. TESSAI HAYAMA、Hidetsugu Nanba、Susumu Kunifuji: “Structure Extraction from Presentation Slide Information”, the 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI2008), pp.678–687 (2008).

  27. TESSAI HAYAMA、Susumu Kunifuji: “Presentation Support System Providing Visual Effects”, the 1st International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creative Support System (KICSS2006), pp.151–157 (2006).

  28. TESSAI HAYAMA、Hidetsugu Nanba、Susumu Kunifuji: “Alignment between a Technical Paper and Presentation Sheets Using a Hidden Markov Model”, the 2005 International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT2005), pp.102–106 (2005).

  29. TESSAI HAYAMA、Takashi Kanai、Susumu Kunifuji: “Personalized Environment for Skimming Documents”, the International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2003), pp.771–778 (2003).

  30. Yang Xiangdong、Tessai Hayama、Susumu Kunifuji: “Collaborative Notebook System for Acquiring Others’ Knowledge in e-Learning”, The 7th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2003), Vol. XVI, pp.193–197 (2003).

Domestic conference

  1. 高橋誠, 﨡原誠弥, 羽山徹彩: “オンライン対話のためのマルチモーダル情報分析環境の構築”, 電子情報通信学会甲信越支部大会, pp.-, (2022.9).
  2. 高津朋也, 羽山徹彩: “SNSにおける協調的/競合的な情報拡散現象の分析”, 電子情報通信学会甲信越支部大会, pp.-, (2022.9).
  3. 新山大地, 羽山徹彩: “日本酒口コミサイトにおける推薦アルゴリズムの効果に関する事例研究”, 情報処理学会第116回グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会, pp.-, (2022).
  4. 張琪, 羽山徹彩: “SNSにおけるフォローユーザツイートを用いた受動的ユーザの興味推定手法の開発”, 第13回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2021), pp.1-8 (2021).
  5. 羽山徹彩,横山翔汰,:“マルチモーダル情報に基づくグループ対話における知識伝達の分析” ,情報処理学会 研究報告教育学習支援情報システム(CLE ), 2021-CLE-33 (4), pp.1-8 (2021).
  6. 佐藤秀真, 羽山徹彩: “コンセプトマップを利用した動画視聴型eラーニング支援システムの開発”, 電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告, vol. 120, no. 289, ET2020-37, pp. 17-22 (2020).
  7. 4. 横山翔汰, 羽山徹彩:“小グループでの協調学習を促進させるマルチモーダル対話分析” , 電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告, , vol. 120, no. 289, ET2020-41, pp. 37-42 (2020).
  8. 新川怜奈, 羽山徹彩: “深層学習を用いた単一加速度データからの歩行姿勢の分類”, 第82回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, (2020). 
  9. 藤岡能史, 羽山徹彩: “ソーシャルネットワークサービスにおけるニュース記事の情報拡散現象に関する統計的分析”, 第82回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, (2020). 
  10. 佐藤秀真, 羽山徹彩: “コンセプトマップを利用した動画視聴型eラーニング支援システムの提案”, 第82回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, (2020). 
  11. 成相毅,長友和也,羽山徹彩: “UWB屋内軌道データからの滞在領域抽出“, 33回人工知能学会全国大会講演論文集, pp.1–4(2003).
  12. 羽山 徹彩, 大舘 英隆, 石田 直登,受講生の状態推定のための圧力センサを用いたテーブルトップインタフェースの開発,情報処理学会 研究報告コンピュータ学習と教育(CLE 2018-CLE-26(17), pp.1-7, pp.100-103 (2018)


  1. 國藤進、中田豊久、羽山徹彩:知識基盤社会のための人工知能入門“, コロナ社(計測制御テクノロジーシリーズ) (2012).